How To Get Motivated Sellers Information
There are lots of ways that you can try to get motivated sellers contact information - and other information when you have contacted them and are negotiating the deal.
Some work, and some unfortunately might not.
The simplest way to get a list of motivated sellers is to purchase a list that an online vendor sells from county records - if public in your area - from taxes or late payments on a mortgage. Sometimes these lists go stale and are not updated, which is why it is important to use a service that constantly updates it’s sellers.
Lists might not be the best source of leads because everyone can purchase them from vendors. Saying that though, I found foreclosure lists to be successful when I was sending direct mail.
Doing regular direct mail to everyone in a neighbourhood might not allow you to contact all motivated sellers but it will give you direct access presumably to mostly homeowners, which is ultimately what you want to negotiate a deal and close a transaction. I know one successful real estate coach relies on doing direct mail drops because he is successful at them - and even travels across North America doing deals with this approach.
The next approach that I can think of that many lead generators rely on is SEO or - search engine optimization - and capture motivated seller leads on your website. This takes time but gives you access to generally highly motivated sellers on a consistent basis.
One approach that I saw online, is to go to craigslist and contact listings. I’m assuming that this approach might not work as well because you need it to scale to many motivated sellers and preferably in a location.
Access The Flock Real Estate Marketplace has motivated sellers information that you can access by bringing buyers to the marketplace.
How To Get Motivated Sellers Information When Negotiating A Real Estate Deal
Assuming that you now have a seller, how do you get access to their property information if it wasn’t included on the method that you used to find them?
Sometimes real estate professionals keep this information confidential because they don’t have the seller under contract. I heard one real estate professional put a deal together by bringing his buyer’s proof of funds, and the list of the corporations shareholders to the seller and that unlocked all of the property information for due diligence. I think if you are doing the type of deals that require this it’s important to have your fee held in escrow from the buyer and a master fee agreement - just in case you get cut out of the deal.
What have you done to be successful at getting motivated sellers information?
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