You Need To Have A Network Of Buyers And Sellers
You can make money if you have the right buyer or seller that someone is looking for. And it’s hard to build a network of buyers and sellers. That’s why so many of you are doing lunches looking for the right fit to earn your fee and travel North America to put deals together and build trust with people. Sometimes, focusing on a region. It takes money to find a buyer or seller. That’s why you come to me to see if I have a buyer or seller that fits.
You are susceptible to falling for pranksters. There are high costs associated with finding buyers and sellers and networking. Not everyone has money to be in real estate but you have high hopes and dreams. Can you spot a fake buyer or seller? Try to spot who’s fake within the first five minutes on the phone. One real estate coach can do that. I let you decide who’s real after I connect you two on The Flock. Hopefully you will give feedback about the person that you dealt with using the marketplace rating system - The Urly Bird grade. This will filter out fake deals when you use the real estate marketplace in the future. Save yourself years closing the transaction by spotting a fake within the first five minutes of talking to them over the phone. You need to have a network of real buyers and sellers.
It takes many years to build a well connected rolodex of real estate professionals that you can trade real estate with. It is really valuable. It can be hard and expensive to grow your network of real estate professionals from which you can deal with. Everyone wants access to buyers and sellers. You spend lots of money on direct mail, travel, internet ads, and developing ongoing content for your websites which drive traffic successfully.
Some things that you can do to get started as cheaply as possible is start your own blog and focus on SEO, if you haven’t already. Building your network will be the best investment that you will ever make in real estate and it can take a couple of decades to achieve this - if you aren’t already a big player - and even then it’s not always easy to find a buyer or seller.
What has been successful for you when building your database of real estate buyers and sellers?
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