Should You Get Your Real Estate License
I think it’s good to get your license if you are a consultant because you will be putting together out of state transactions and you do not want to deal with complaints, even though some jurisdictions are flexible about whether you need a license to be a consultant.
Most professionals hold licensed real estate professionals to a higher standard, even though some wholesalers avoid licensed real estate professionals when putting deals together. More people might deal with you if you show your license number in your emails because people do not want to deal with scammers. I spent years finding out what gets in the way of putting together large real estate transactions and most of the problems are eliminated if you go through the training that licensed real estate professionals go through. Licensed real estate professionals know their clients and do not bring them to the marketplace or enter a negotiation to promote their client until they have validated the client’s identity. Verifying and vetting buyers and sellers is a privilege in the industry.
Licensed real estate professionals still run into Daisy Chains & Tire Kickers when they don’t use the Flock. Licensed real estate professionals have troubles marketing their clients so they gladly accept another professional bringing them a buyer or seller. The problem is, that other professional will also gladly accept another professional bring them a buyer or seller so you get a long Daisy Chain. Licensed real estate professionals are not immune to Daisy Chains unless they access the flock.
How have you found getting your real estate license has helped you?
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