Make Money Accessing Cash Buyers And Motivated Sellers

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Making Money From Divorce Leads

Access Your Vetted Cash Buyer And Motivated Seller List Now!

You can make money with divorce leads with the right marketing system. You get cash flow from real estate when your leads close. If the divorce leads that you access from court houses are motivated sellers you could buy property at discount and profit. If you can not buy property at discount you can still buy and hold for the long term. You can also flip real estate from divorce leads. You can also match motivated sellers with cash buyers.

Divorce Leads

After you get a lead you need to nurture them with emails or phone calls. Get their email and phone number on landing pages after sending direct mail. Put your URL on your business card in an envelope. That way you have business cards and a memorable URL. Budget $16,000 and 9 months for direct mail to become profitable. Keep sending direct mail or you will burn through your cash. You have to follow up via phone to collect documents. Use a spreadsheet for Matches and earn cash.

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