Pillaged Daisy Chains Brings You Closer To Cash Buyers And Sellers
Bird Dogs Are Successful With Creative Real Estate Online
I don’t have to say much and I can outrank most of the websites on the first page of Google.
I regret what I said yesterday about sending contracts. I don’t think it’s right. I think that you should get a lawyer and then close deals.
You should be Paying The Bird Dog for Urly Birds, for The Mating Dance.
I just say, “You should send contracts;” You can send contracts on 20 hours a week.
Because that’s what you should be doing; Answering the phone.
If Tire Kickers are so poor that they can’t afford to buy a couple hundred cash buyers and motivated sellers then they will never get to the point of sending multiple contracts successively - like a conversion rate: 25 contracts, one closed deal.
The OKBird means that you can’t find the cash on Access The Flock anywhere else; It’s yours for the taking:
I just got a bunch of SFRs put on; Cash.
You must have your own channels. Like:
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- LinkedIn: Free
- Facebook: Free
The free list means that all of the money has been taken. You want a list with serious cash buyers and motivated sellers. That’s what the OKBird is. Pillaged Daisy Chains. Flock is the price of Fistfuls of Cash. That’s where you’ll actually make your money.
You should be Accessing The Flock with the most amount of cash at all times.