You Dont Have To Worry About Being Cut Out
Just Find Your BATNA
Best Alternative To A Negotiated Agreement
It sounds tough thinking that you don’t have to be cut out. But with the OKBird, everyone is OK. You just have to find you BATNA - your bottom. And you can worry about getting your inflated price. How long will it last? It’s all brand.
Bird Dogs can bring you listings but if there’s no money behind them, you are cut out. They have to be OK. It’s The Mating Dance, vetting Bird Dogs each time. The best way to vet Bird Dogs is to give them an Urly Bird with Fistfuls of Cash that they can Bring You: To Bird Dog the Urly Birds you got to pay the OK.
The more Flock the Bird Dogs Bring Me the more Golden Egg I have.
You don’t need to use a realtor; We’re talking about not paying the bird dog: Why would you ever do that? That’s just war.
Paying The Bird Dog is paying the credit card.
The Flock is predictable.
It’d be nice to get $1M on there - the credit card.
How can I make you richer?