There Is A Cash Buyer Buying 250K SFR In Phoenix
There is one $10M cash buyer. I don’t have much to say about this Phoenix SFR listing. It has Renturly. It’s not OK. It has a 12% Renturly. The $200K values are realistic.
There are a lot of cash buyers that are matched that aren’t OK. They went Bankrupt. They could be back with Fistfuls of Cash. But the $10M cash buyer is OK.
These Bird Dogs don’t answer the phone when they aren’t OK. They just want the quote. It cuts me out.
There’s one cash buyer with $500K but he went Bankrupt; There has been a lot of Bankruptcies lately.
It’s about time that there is more Flock.
This is another motivated seller listing. It seems like real estate is crashing, unless the one $10M cash buyer buys all of these properties.