Toggle Match
The most important thing is that when you save a buyer or seller you Toggle Match to matching so that when you Close the Deal you have a feed of buyers or sellers. It’s instant!
Toggle Match is the new test.
I already have feedback that one customer Toggles his seller off the market to not matching after receiving a his seller was just viewed alert!
I lose so much money when you Toggle your buyers and sellers to not matching.
This keeps your database clean!
You have to update the quality of your buyers and sellers as time goes on.
If you use the system you become an investor. This is good if you are just starting out!
Data in the system is proprietary and can be said to be mostly off market. You can’t find deals like this anywhere else.
It’s quicker load times when you grade a user!
The price is still $20 a month for matches. The matches are buyers or sellers.
Everyone wants more buyers and sellers!
Don’t forget to Toggle Match to matching and you will close a deal!