Access The Flock: Matches You With Cash Buyers And Motivated Sellers
Access The Flock: Matches You With Cash Buyers And Motivated Sellers
It’s cash.
I’m not supposed to talk about my technology but Google keeps ranking my site well when I talk to you one on one and give you updates about my software.
Well, in the last few days you have more cash buyers and motivated sellers.
This means you have more cash.
Are you supposed to make money?
Maybe it’s not cash that you are making but it’s money.
Maybe that’s not a good thing because it’s digital currency.
So is cash.
But cash is controlled by the government.
The value of the cash buyers and motivated sellers is the same amount as the cash that I am paid.
It’s like investing in a building and receiving a perpetuity for controlling the building.
You have your assets.
I have mine.
You get access to access cash buyers and motivated sellers.