The Urly Bird

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50M for Brewery Cash Buyer
Beer Name: Black Widow
Beer Style: Bent Stick Brewing Co.
ABV%: 4.5%
0 IBUs
Location: Edmonton, Canada
Date: Nov 29, 2019
Aroma: sweet
Color: dark; black
Flavour: orange
Mouthfeel: bubbly: sour; subtle
Overall: Good
My Rating: 5 Star
Buyers list for Real Estate
Buyers list for Real Estate
The Real Estate pays for things. I just talked to Autumn: I was Dogging. And I had Fistfuls of Cash as her as a cash buyer for $370K across USA for sfr detached. After, I said I she I have a buyers list for real estate she said she actually listed Renturly. She said she currently found a buyer. So sometimes when you call people it's alright to talk about a listing and find out that they were a Bird Dog looking for what you have. She said she could re-list as a motivated seller.
Dogging The OKBird is not Tire Kickers Real Estate
Dogging The OKBird is not Tire Kickers Real Estate
I have cash buyers that have $4M Fistfuls of Cash in Birds of a Feather: It says they aren't OK, but I have Analytics that tells me that they are OKBirds. They are $100 Fistfuls: which is Cash. That means I can buy Food and Craft Beer. Bird Dogs are getting the OK to fund their Real Estate. Bring Me Renturly. Cleaning the house is Gold.