The Urly Bird

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Dogging 18M Florida Apartment Unit Motivated Seller For 540K
This cash buyer is OK. Bird Dogs can make $540K. I can make $12.5K; I will assign my contract to you at 5:30pm if you Access The Flock.
You can sell your Apartment Building when you Bird Dog a asset type with a better cap rate.
Bird Dogging Means Youll Get Birds of a Feather
There are lots of BitCoin Wallets, but there is only one Birds of a Feather for Fistfuls of Cash.
You can Trade real estate and it is backed by VQN Real Estate shares.
The quote has been getting higher but Bird Dogs have been focused on closing the deal for 3% of the minimum purchase price. They are retained when they get Paid.
Appreciated: You Can Fill Up your Birds of a Feather With Fistfuls of Cash
Bring Me 50 Motivated Sellers Make 25K
I need 50 motivated sellers.
:Match with my cash buyers list.
Make $25K.
Dogging 10K Las Vegas SFR Motivated Seller
Bring me a matching motivated seller $10K Las Vegas SFR Cash Buyer