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The Urly Bird


Make Money Accessing Cash Buyers And Motivated Sellers

Build Your Vetted Cash Buyer And Motivated Seller List

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Displaying 2111-2120 of 3510 results.

Cash Buyers Are Gold


If The Cash Buyers Are Countries

You have to sell Gold to get Fistfuls of Cash to buy real estate.

Countries can sell Government Facilities.

They can be motivated sellers. Say if there was a dilapidated prison.

Fistfuls of Cash is Gold.

Governments are Cash Buyers.

The Governments probably take out mortgages. 

Are the Governments taking out mortgages on real estate or are they paying all cash?

It would be interesting to see which they think is better?

Leverage on real estate is always good; It’s good debt: The reason you want to own real estate.

Motivated Seller Real Estate Leads

Motivated Seller Real Estate Leads

How To Make Money Wholesaling

Make money from the Renturly.

The Renturly is the cap rate and you can make a spread between the buyers and sellers; Get a cheaper minimum purchase price and a higher POF.

Wrap Around Mortgages

Risks of Wrap Around Mortgages and Benefits

What is a wrap around mortgage?

A wrap around mortgage is when a motivated seller finances the property and the buyer doesn’t have to put any of their own money down on the property.

A cash buyer can be a wrap around mortgage.

What are the risks to a wrap around mortgage?

The buyer might default.

They can both default. A motivated seller can be a bank.

You want the property free and clear. That’s why the cash buyer can be a cash buyer.

The motivated seller might be forced to take on too much second mortgage by the cash buyer.

The cash buyer assumes — takes over — the name on the title.

Benefits of wrap around mortgage

The motivated seller stays in their real estate.

The cash buyer owns the real estate.

Creative Real Estate Investing

Creative Real Estate Investing

Chinese Cash Buyers

Chinese Cash Buyers

Best Real Estate Strategies Real Estate Wholesaling

Bring me Fistfuls of Cash. Bring me something worth $500K and I’ll take $1000. That’s how you Wholesale.

I don’t really know anything about the best real estate strategies because I’ve just been accumulating Fistfuls of Cash writing for the past 5 years.

No one seems to listing when I say that you can make money blogging but they search for seller landing pages.

I wonder why they just search for selling landing pages and not cash buyer landing pages. I have an API for both. 

If you are trying to attract a motivated seller you would want a seller landing page, but you will get matched with cash buyers POFs and emails.

The best strategy for real estate is blogging.

Everything is real estate technology now.

All the money is made from real estate and technology.


I think that most people are on drugs and don’t want to write for years to earn cash.

The other people are websites — Bird Dogs — They Access The Flock.

I really just want you to use my API and stop sending me consulting emails through my contact form.

I don’t mind all of the Flock I’ve been getting the past little while.

I probably just need to write.

I really want my 20 Creative Real Estate Investing Strategies to stay Popular.

But I want to write something that is even more popular.

Wholesaling is one of those strategies that is in the 20 Creative Real Estate Investing Strategies.

I don’t even know what Wholesaling is. You get a buyer and match them with a seller. You could make a thousand dollars earnest money for showing the buyer or seller’s email.

I need to raise the price of the Flock.

Bring me a buyer and I will match you with a motivated seller. It’s the Bird Dog Matching Algorithm. The difference is, I will have all of the Fistfuls of Cash — the Flock — by the end of the phone call.

You will have Real Estate Bird Dog Opportunities.

You need a contract.

I want the higher POF in the input fields.

Cheaper Renturly.

Selling contracts is arbitrage.

Good luck doing it faster than I can do.

You might make $20M Fistfuls of Cash.

I just might bankrupt you.

Is Real Estate Wholesaling Illegal Is The Stupidest Argument Of All Time

You are not to supposed to have an agency agreement in Canada and can’t even be a broker in the United States.

Most are Consultants.

They match.

I think wholesalers are selling contracts and not real estate.

I’d like to sell a contract for $424.

I just need some Renturly from Japan.

I don’t even know what type of buildings they have in Japan but you can get me those.

You can make $5K wholesaling Birds of a Feather. And do 4 a month.

That’s $20K.

You might want to wholesale the billion dollar cash buyers for the $300M portfolio Birds of a Feather.

Those are Daisy Chains. And when they aren’t they are your commissions.

Bring me the Fistfuls of Cash of Cash for 4 deals. I want to make the $20K and bankrupt you.

Let’s see if I can do it at Flock $53.

I need to bankrupt every Bird Dog that brings me money.

If the Flock is too high, it will go back down. Bring me more Fistfuls of Cash.

You need to attach how much money you can make Wholesaling to time. You do that by having cash buyer and motivated seller list that you match. It’s cash flow.

I need you to do direct mail in the neighbourhoods that you are wholesaling. It’s direct access.

Virtual Wholesale

You can virtual wholesale using Google. You need to write a lot.

Northwest Edmonton Real Estate

It’s who has more Fistfuls of Cash.

You can use the Motivated Seller Home Leads map and the Nationwide List Cash Buyers Real Estate map.

They say it’s Japan real estate. But I’m seeing Northwest Edmonton Real Estate climb the rankings.

It’s the Bird Dogs in the neighbourhood at the houses driving around in cars.

They can get me some Flock.

People from Edmonton are buying property in Japan.

I wonder if there is deflation. 

Japanese are getting old and dying.

Might as well stay in a place with inflation.


Bring the money here.

Bird Dogs in Edmonton can get jobs.

Daisy Chains

You don’t want Bird Dogs to access your emails.

Because of daisy chains, people talk, they can communicate your motivated sellers to the internet.

Use an iPhone.

Nationwide List Of Real Estate CashBuyers

I have a large list of real estate cash buyers that you can access.

It’s the Flock.

Bring me Renturly and you can Access The Flock.

It’s currently between $7 and $25.

The more active Fistfuls of Cash you bring me the higher the price.

You need to get the Renturly from the real estate.

The Bird Dogs that do $300M Birds of a Feather don’t even want the $1 houses. They want the $300M cash buyers and motivated sellers.

They want portfolios.

They are Wall Street.

Someone just Accessed The Flock. And they didn’t answer the phone. I wonder if it’s just that they saw the price and and then decided they aren’t going to bring Fistfuls of Cash to Access The Flock.

What happens to a person like that. Like, when the Flock is the price of Cash Flow. You’d hope their credit card doesn’t run out. 

But that’s what I’m trying to do; Raise the price of Flock.

$100M Real Estate Portfolios

I don’t know why Wall Street wants $100M portfolios. They want cheaper minimums and higher POFs. So they do want higher POFs. 

If they are trying to match, I want cheaper minimum purchase prices too. T

That way I the higher the Flock.

Real Estate Cash Buyers List

I have a list of cash buyers nationwide.

I have a few listings outside of the country.

Bird Dog Real Estate Access The Flock

Bird Dogs are cops with the Government. They get you money. They could be politicians.

They are also — or could be poor people looking for jobs. Like black Americans. I shouldn’t discriminate; It’s not only the black Americans looking for jobs it’s everyone.

You could get cash delivered to your door step.

I’m mostly — Cash are cops — ranking in United States. But could rank in Middle East Countries and Russia. I rank in United Kingdom. I have a couple of clicks from Canada.

It’s good to match them. Then you get the cash.

I’m just trying to take all of your money. I’m playing Monopoly. I’m trying to bankrupt the government. I want to be the one with all of the Fistfuls of Cash.

If you bring it to me, I will make you rich.

The more Fistfuls of Cash you bring me the more money you make. 

You can really only bring me Fistfuls of Cash for a few months before you go bankrupt.

You should be able to make the Renturly — It’s more than $20B*0.03 = $1B. You should be able to make $1B.

I don’t think that I should tell you to start writing for a blog. And starting at the bottom, but how do you get to the top. You have to Cash Flow with the President.

They can force you to pay Taxes. But no one cares about paying taxes, unless they like living longer.

I wish, I could travel… to Punta Cana. Water is expensive. I was going to say so is Sand but the Sand is probably expensive cause it’s close to the water. I looked up the betas.

I don’t really know why I’m talking about wanting to travel. I feel like the cops just want you to stay in one location so that you can pay Taxes. I have to buy more product. I’m always looking for product placement on Netflix to decide what is Flock.

I could get a tech house. But that just means 21%.