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The Urly Bird

Dogging The Urly Bird

Make Money Accessing Cash Buyers And Motivated Sellers

Build Your Vetted Cash Buyer And Motivated Seller List

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The Reason That You Want To Own Real Estate - Renturly

The cap rate supports the property. It’s for appreciation.

The banks are banking on real estate.

VNQ real estate shares are 10% a year. That’s like 7% in Canada plus appreciation.

I’d buy an investment property in the States.

…Or have Bird Dogs bring me Flock.


You just need to beat 2%.

I buy for cash flow.

Let me explain the 2%. 2% is for inflation.

It might not be a thing for real estate investors — You can just use commercial real estate as a inflation hedge.

That’s interesting an inflation hedge.

Put your money into Fistfuls of Cash.

2% can be diversified away by buying Gold.

Or to buy the price.

Cash buyers don’t lend their money to motivated sellers! They buy all cash.

Pay The Bird Dog.

If you have more real estate strategies you can make more money.

Mostly they do the same thing over and over — Bird Dogging.

If I dug my head in cash flow I would make a lot of money.

Meaning, I mean the cash flow at the top of the page when you sign in to Access The Flock.

There are so many Urly Birds to Bird Dog.

You can work in real estate to make a SFR.

Free and clear.

You can make $5M in 5 years.

When you own the principle residence you can own the house free-and-clear.

Just bring me Flock.

Buying & Holding

That’s because you will generally make a more than the mortgage — robbing a bank — when you buy in an environment without discounts and when you buy remotely with Bird Dogs on the ground you have to buy the cash flow.

The US Is On Sale

Let me explain why you have to buy the cash flow when you buy remotely with Bird Dogs on the ground; You don’t know if the property value is going to go back up. Gold.

I made a phone call: Acquisition Managers look to steal properties for appreciation: 80% discounts across the United States and rehabbing them. They get the discount cause they are cash. They get a minimum of 5% cash flow, which I think is the same as the cap rate.

Debt Service Ratio

Bird Dogs can qualify for a 5% down mortgage: You can get more cash flow on more property because you are buying discounts.

Cap rate is important for debt service ratios.

You can buy at discounts and get a mortgage. That way you get the benefit of leverage. Good debt. Good debt is a thing. 

You can get more money from more valuable real estate, as explained by the loan-to-value LTV.

Discounts help the debt service ratio so you can buy more properties because the value of the property is more than the mortgage.

Rehabbing: Maximize The Value Of Your Property

Hire an Asset Manager to make repairs.

Good debt can pay for repairs.

So just bring me Flock.

I just looked at Cleveland, Ohio cash cows and it can be hard to finding anything with enough equity.

I don’t know if you want to buy anywhere with a storm season; I saw a report that says that Bird Dogs prepare for weather season. 

Some people are good at bringing you 80% discounts, while others have a hard time finding the deals.

I have Cash Buyers from China.

Remote Asset Managers can be horrible so you might need to get a better one.

You have to pick a OK Bird Dog Asset Manager.

Creative Real Estate Investing — Bird Dogging

If you want to buy real estate with no money down, then you need to raise money from a cash buyer — except they don’t lend money, they buy all cash.

So you need to bring them a deal. Find a motivated seller with a contract and introduce them to the cash buyer.

Hopefully you can get $300 a month out of the house — otherwise it’s not worth it.

Daisy Chains

This is where the network comes in. If you don’t have any money are you going to Pay The Bird Dog or are you going to crush the Daisy Chains yourself; Let them bring you value with a Bird Dog Cash Buyer and Seller Landing Page.

Fistfuls of Cash-I Just Got A Listing

I just got a listing in Atlanta with the cap rate and discount values. They are Fistfuls of Cash because you can tell how much money you can make from the listing.

I care about Fistfuls of Cash.

Golden Egg Is All Of Your Reserves

It’s Your net worth.

You have the Golden Egg after you do the Mating Dance.

Birds of a Feather: The Mating Dance are meetings.

USA Real Estate

USA Real Estate

One Of The Things You'll Notice - Buyer And Seller Landing Pages

Say more things.

One of the things you’ll notice when you start your Bird Dog cash buyer landing page and seller landing page is that you might be hard for words.

You might say stuff that you regret.

You have the choice to forget cash buyers and motivated sellers or you can keep them.

Pay The Bird Dog


The more you have the more cash you have. So what you say is cash.

Just Bring Me The Cap Rate

I will use the Cap Rate to determine if the property is profitable and to Pay The Bird Dog With.

I just used the 50% rule.

I just used the 50% rule.

I Just Care About The Cash Flow

I Just Care About The Cash Flow

So I have this thing where I can see when you get Cash Flow and it’s all that I care about, because when you get Paid I get Cash Flow.

$30K Houses

Everything is $30K houses.

That’s just the way the value is working out.

You can still buy hotels — There is a Flock of Hotels on Access The Flock right now.

You can buy a $20K house with a $1K downpayment and refinance it if it’s worth $100K to Pay The Bird Dog with.

The mortgage is Fistfuls of Cash.

Call $20K the purchase price and $100K the market value.

Even though you have a $1K downpayment the bank can appraise the property and get a market value when you refinance. 

I just got a listing in Columbus, OH; Columbus, OH has all the money.

Bring me $300 a month.

Property Repairs

Buy a 5% cap rate so that the property can Renturly even though it’s an 80% discount.

I need Bird Dogs to Bring Me 80% Discount Properties.

Why Are There So Many Poor People In Real Estate

Robert Kiyosaki was right! Most brokers are broke. Screw the reports about real estate agents making $40K a year. They make $100K a year. I know.

They should be making $16M a year —  Not a year every deal!

You list $10M Cash Buyers and no one has any money: It’s all fraud.

Are you bidding on advertising? That stuff costs $7 a click, or a name.

It’s a fortune just to get your attention — And no one even cares about attention. They just care about the cash. The Fistfuls of Cash.

Maybe if you got a job first you could come back and pay.

You could make $300 from accessing a house with discounts.

Bring me a house with discounts and I could introduce you to ten cash buyers immediately that would answer my phone calls.

I know because I still have Fistfuls of Cash.