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Displaying 2221-2230 of 3511 results.

Wichita Real Estate

Wichita Real Estate

Ponoka Real Estate

Ponoka Real Estate

Hawaii Discount Properties

Hawaii Discount Properties

The Canadian Real Estate Resale Market Might Be Slower

The Real Estate Market Is Strong

The resale market might be a little bit lower, but the overall housing market is strong,” Bolger said.

They’re using standard deviations to determine insolvency on mortgages; When LTV’s are high there are more defaults.

They can’t buy homes when they are in default.

It’s my job that there is liquidity.

I don’t want to see insolvencies, I want to see them make $16M.

For that to happen the sale market has to be really high.

That means the Federal Reserve printing more money.

Janet Yellen

Outgoing Federal Reserve Chair Janet Yellen says they are high

Atlanta Apartment Buildings

Atlanta Apartment Buildings

Chinese Cash Buyers

Chinese Cash Buyers

Arizona Peru Gold Mine

Arizona Peru Gold Mine

Real Estate Cash

Real Estate Cash

Chinese Cash Buyers

Chinese Cash Buyers

Real Estate USA

Real Estate USA