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The Urly Bird

Dogging The Urly Bird

Make Money Accessing Cash Buyers And Motivated Sellers

Build Your Vetted Cash Buyer And Motivated Seller List

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Displaying 2041-2050 of 3511 results.

Chinese Buying US Real Estate And Steel

Well I don’t really know what problems you are having today. But, I am getting all kinds of searches for the news:

Like, Chinese Are Buying California Real Estate & Chinese Buying US Real Estate.

You can access the locations of the Flock when you Access The Flock.

The other ideas that are news is that there are material purchases. 

So I have junk yard listings and Bird Dogs are using planet Earth to get steel.

I’m not providing letter of intents but you can access that from The Urly Bird that you access.

The most success Bird Dogs are Bird Dogging Urly Birds.

You are determining the price of Flock.

St. Albert Motivated Sellers List

St. Albert Motivated Sellers List

Bird Dogs Are Buying Laptops For Starting A REIT

Bird Dogs are poor. They have no money. They are brokers that don’t have cash and no contacts. People have gone bankrupt multiple times trying to make money in real estate. People I know spent their whole career and aren’t retired. They're poor and old. The Government is paying them. 

No one has helped them get rich quick. No one wants to do business plans. The people that I talk to on the phone don’t want to do business plans. It’s the runway. They don’t want to budget for 9 months of startup while they learn to close. In 5 years coming on 6, I have only spoken to one person that says that they are working on their business plan. The people I talk to on the phone are Consultants. I get the impression that they are Consultants guiding a startup rather than people buying cash buyer and motivated seller lists.

Bird Dogs can make $100K a year. They own billion dollar buildings that generate billions of dollars a year in Renturly.

There are Bird Dogs. They can drive for dollars with their Android and iPhone. There is a list with cash flow. Urly Birds. Some people have made a million dollars. Everyone has paid. Using Metcalfe’s Law and the size of the list, every one has paid. And conversion rates. 70 people out of 800. 1 in 10. 10%. They can get cash as soon as they sign up. They have a 8 month runway.

I need more like that. You should Access The Flock.

Well Hopefully You Make A Lot Of Money Today

You don’t need an education to make $100K a year. Forget the business plans.

With this site you can make way more.

You can make millions.

You just need the list.

Let’s Take A Look At A Creative Real Estate Online

All you need is a phone

Stop putting $5 and $1 in.

If you are a cash buyer in Atlanta with a 300 mile radius you should have - Atlanta is expensive - at least $300K.

If you have Renturly in Birmingham, AL you should have the cap rate.

Sit down with the motivated seller and do the cap rate of the property.

Bring them to me and I will match you with a list.

It’s funny cause they are actually matched.

What strategy would you impose at a SFR?

I would call them and see if Atlanta is in the radius.

You can joint venture to bring me Fistfuls of Cash

You can ask what the Renturly is.

You can buy and hold property with rental cash flow.

Bird Dog Success

I read about Community Management. 

It’s Bird Dog Success!

The goal is for the Bird Dog to Vote Cash.

There was a Bird Dog that Voted Cash. They made money.

I noticed discrepancies among the phone conversions and Google searches and thought that I should bring them together. This will be a higher price for all the cash that you are making.

This helps Google rankings and Flock.

I'm Not Really A Growth Hacker

I should work on better headlines, but I don’t want my email xml to get jammed up;

It stops sending when their is a character copies from where I type into the headline.

I want better headlines. I want my headlines to get clicked. I don’t understand. And I shouldn’t say I don’t understand why when I Pay The Bird Dog keywords it helps better than writing a full article.

It’s not art, it’s matching.

I’m matching buyers and sellers. Cash buyers and motivated sellers. This sends an email.

You can Access The Flock.

I shouldn’t have to explain what I am selling when I am on the phone. 1 year of phones to negotiate what it is you think I am selling. 

It is a brand. It is a matching service: I am selling you, matching you with a list. Not just any list but a match. An algorithm. To someone with money.

I am matching you with Fistfuls of Cash.

The more Fistfuls of Cash you have the richer you are. I can tell because you stay subscribed. It’s not the Bird Dogging. The more Fistfuls of Cash you have the more you are retained.

The Fistfuls of Cash are money. They have the cap rate and the email of the cash - the cash buyer.

You know that. Already. I know that.

I have a chart of the Fistfuls of Cash Flocking.

You can’t Growth Hack a platform.

I don’t even know if my writing does anything. It just sends emails.

You keep searching for stuff in the Bird Cage.

You want a free cash buyer list. I rank for nationwide cash buyer list.

You come on my website so I have to know if you are a Tire Kicker or someone with money. I predict.

My writing isn’t as good as the other websites. But it’s my voice. That's all that matters. I thought my writing was cash. But it’s a long term to pay off.

Your’e interested in Mixpanel funnels. I don’t even pay for Mixpanel funnels. I just use the Segmentation of different line charts. It’s deprecating to Insights. I like calculating the conversion rate. I’m not using the conversion rate this month. I’m forecasting price. I’m using Metcalfe’s Law to determine Flock.

You can’t Growth Hack a platform.

This is real estate. 

I am selling a list.

Gas Station 350K A Year

14% X $2.5M, $350K A Year

You can make $350K a year from a gas station.

I asked for gas stations. I have a couple of gas stations. 

I need a gas station buyer.

Preferably, with a $billion dollars to buy gas stations. And different asset types across the United States would be OK too. Like Government Facilities.

An oilfield wasn’t good enough.

They want gas stations. And cash now.

It’s a sale, a Bird Dogger with a client. Bring me those billions.

At $715 a month, you have the money for a motivated seller when it’s $350K a year. It’s a list. But you only need one.

Just put in a $billion for a Gas Station buyer across the United States.

I Want 50 Renturly From Hampton SC

It’s $10K.

I want $5K a year from Hampton, SC Detached SFRs.

Bring me the money and I might buy it.

If I had the money.

No Money Down

I have a cash buyer. $30M looking with a radius around Atlanta.

I don’t know if they will buy out of State.

If I could get some of that money.

I know billionaires aren’t easy to part with their money.

…But it’s 50% Renturly.

I can get 7% for making the purchase.

It’s just like in Canada… I don’t know if the States will go for a 7% commission. They’ll just laugh.

This is for a house. Not a $multi-billion portfolio.

They don’t want to wait.

They want the cash now. 

$700*12, $8400.

The price is too high. I have too many buyers and sellers. 

Bring me bigger deals.

Theyre Trading Real Estate

I don’t really know what I am going to say today.

I did some reading. I should say about platforms. And it said that I should train the Flock.

I feel like the Flock is already rich. I should at least complement them. I don’t think that they are looking for any creative real estate investing strategies. Or business plans.

I don’t know whether they have business plans. I should say that they put me in their business plans.

If they have business plans and money. They are billionaires. They are trillionaires; They just say excuse me when you question whether they have money.

I get Google searches looking for creative real estate strategies.

How about one:

If you are a Bird Dogger with a  client that is a motivated seller get the cap rate.

Bring It To Me

I’ll match you with a cash buyer when you bring it to me. For making the sale of the property you get 3% of the property: 3% X $30,000 like in Cleveland, $900. I get $900.

I’m looking for cash buyers or motivated sellers.

These are sales of property.

It’s like in Monopoly when the card gets traded to a different edge of the the playing board.

You Have 9M And Its 600 For An Apartment Unit

I can wait all month.

You work out of a library.

You can raise $9M from your cash buyer.

I know you’re a Bird Dog.

I want the cash buyer and motivated seller.

Bring me more money.

I don’t want to repeat myself.

It takes 3 months to sell a property.

You can pay 3 month’s rent while you try to sell the property.

I know you want it sold now. You’d don’t want it sold now. You want the cash now. You have a client.