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The Urly Bird

Dogging The Urly Bird

Make Money Accessing Cash Buyers And Motivated Sellers

Build Your Vetted Cash Buyer And Motivated Seller List

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Displaying 3341-3350 of 3511 results.

Access The Flock Has The Urly Bird Grade So They Are Vetted

I hate when you ask me whether I know the cash buyer or motivated seller that I am introducing you to.

It’s Access The Flock.

You can access a cash buyer knowing that they have been vetted by motivated sellers that have accessed them and rated them whether they are real and not a Tire Kicker via the Urly Bird Grade.

Make money Accessing The Flock!

Plus there is the Match Score which algorithmically matches you to the right cash buyer and motivated seller.

Access The Flock!

Let’s make money.

Michael Sadler

Step By Step Wholesale Real Estate - Access New Buyers And Sellers

Michael Sadler

It Takes 4 Minutes To Access Cash Buyers And Motivated Sellers

It takes 4 minutes to access cash buyers and motivated sellers.

Michael Sadler

I Made The Payment Form Secure

I made the payment form secure.

Michael Sadler

I've Made Accessing The Flock Easier

I’ve made Accessing The Flock so easy.

All you have to do is Access The Flock.

When you sign in and you don’t have any listings created you just list.


Then you… Match!


List and then match.

List and then match.

Match And Then Access The Flock

And then match and match again.

Michael Sadler

Joint Venturing Your Way To Access Cash Buyers And Motivated Sellers

Joint Venturing Your Way To Access Cash Buyers And Motivated Sellers

Accessing cash buyers and motivated sellers is where the money is at.

Most of you don’t know where to start when wholesaling or flipping.

I should say flipping first because I see so many people today flipping with no money.

They want to raise loans.

So this inspired me to write about joint venturing to Access The Flock!

Joint Venture

You can raise money and get cash from a cash buyer if you bring them a deal.

Bring me a motivated seller and you can negotiate a joint venture with a cash buyer.

It’s a bit of a Daisy Chain, but you can do it with 3 people. Plus the site.

Access a cash buyer.

Michael Sadler

Access The Flock: Matches You With Cash Buyers And Motivated Sellers

Access The Flock: Matches You With Cash Buyers And Motivated Sellers

It’s cash.

I’m not supposed to talk about my technology but Google keeps ranking my site well when I talk to you one on one and give you updates about my software.

Well, in the last few days you have more cash buyers and motivated sellers.

This means you have more cash.

Cash Buyers And Motivated Sellers


Are you supposed to make money?

Maybe it’s not cash that you are making but it’s money.

Maybe that’s not a good thing because it’s digital currency.

So is cash.

But cash is controlled by the government.

The value of the cash buyers and motivated sellers is the same amount as the cash that I am paid.

It’s like investing in a building and receiving a perpetuity for controlling the building.

You have your assets.

I have mine.

You get access to access cash buyers and motivated sellers.

Michael Sadler

No Money Down Real Estate Investing

No Money Down Real Estate Investing

There are many secrets to no money down real estate but one truth:

Can you make $5M in years?

No Money Down Real Estate Investing

I think that most of the advice out there on raising money and doing deals is crap.

Do you need money to make money in real estate? Probably.

Does that hurt your confidence so that you can never close your first detached sfr?

What is this advice on having to close big deals?

Having to have an income of $100,000? Or cash in the bank?

I just don’t understand.

Deals are made up of nothing but value.

If you bring value to the table than you got yourself a deal.

That value does not have to be cash.

It has to be money.

It has to be value.

I dare you to bring a list to the table and see how far that gets you in your next deal!

Michael Sadler

Different Types of Property Investment - That You Can Access!

I like different types of property investment.

Different Types of Property Investment

Let’s Access The Flock.

This cash buyer is Accessing The Flock!

They have:

That they are looking to purchase.

With $10M Cash.

There is also:

  • Note
  • Vineyard
  • Junk Yard
  • Casino
  • Storage Facility
  • Mine
  • Oilfield
  • Farm
  • Lumber Mill and
  • Restaurant

That you can buy.

You can do a joint venture (JV).

Michael Sadler

Real Estate Strategies That Will Get You Fistfuls Of Cash

If you are looking for real estate strategies that are less than or not quite creative than read on below.

There are real estate assets and there are strategies.

Choose your real estate assets according to what you are buying and selling. 

It’s like a trading game.

If you have a $15M apartment building in New York then you can get matched with a cash buyer.

That’s when the money is made.. and everybody knows it!

Buy And Sell

You might have a few billion dollar portfolio; That might all be what you need… but if you are playing the game then you need to buy and sell.

The strategies that follow different buying and selling are found here: the Fistfuls of Cash: 20 Creative Real Estate Investing Strategies.

The different assets are found here: listing a cash buyer or a motivated seller.

Mostly detached SFRs or houses… that you can get in the middle of.

Or commercial and industrial property that range from Office Buildings to Luxury Hotels, Mines, and Oilfields.

Once you Access The Flock…

Other People’s Money — OPM

One of the best strategies is using Other People’s Money!

You can joint venture. Find a deal and get access to a cash buyer!

Buy & Improve

Make improvements to property. Command the most exact and optimum amount of rent that you can get for the property for the market — location.

Don’t leverage, use cash buyers. Use the property as a bank.

The less the mortgage the more the rent. That cash flows.

This keeps you protected in case of market turmoil — when prices drop and you still have equity!

Access The Flock!


Remember, it’s about the cash.

Keep it in a bank.



Michael Sadler