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Make Money Accessing Cash Buyers And Motivated Sellers

Build Your Vetted Cash Buyer And Motivated Seller List

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How to Improve Website Conversions with Mixpanel

Website conversions are money.

If you double your conversion rate you can dramatically increase your cash.

Mixpanel has funnels and formulas which allow you to know your conversion rates over time.

There are other software that you can use to track your conversion rates.

In Mixpanel … “It should only take a few minutes to get started tracking events.”

Install the Mixpanel JavaScript library and then track the events:

<script type="text/javascript">
mixpanel.track("Landed on Form");

Refresh your page and you should be able to see the event in Mixpanel.

Setup funnels and formulas in your Mixpanel account and track conversion rates over time. Test text on your website.

Make money bringing your vetted cash buyers and motivated sellers to the marketplace.

Michael Sadler

Benefits of Dealing With Cash Buyers and Motivated Sellers

The benefits of getting matched with vetted cash buyers

After the stock market crash in 2008, homebuyers with all-cash offers quickly became sellers’ most sought-after suitors.

Make Fistfuls of Cash accessing a list of cash buyer leads by location.

Internet leads

The benefits of getting matched with vetted motivated sellers

  • They are motivated to sell
  • Quicker close
  • More profit from deals

Make Fistfuls of Cash accessing a list of motivated seller leads by location.

Cash buyers and motivated sellers still need to close in escrow.

Downside of getting matched:

  • Cash buyers and motivated sellers are competitive because they have alternatives

My 1st lead cost me $35. I was the only person the motivated seller was contacted by. I made over $15,000 off of that lead by flipping the house. That is why I like internet leads so much.

Michael Sadler

Will You Make Money Real Estate Investing?

The value on the network is yours to make money from. Uploading protected cash buyer and motivated seller lists creates extreme value for the flock. It is up to you to make money after the algorithm matches you for $1 per match.
Michael Sadler

Flock's Cash Buyer List and Motivated Seller List Matching Feature

The flock has a new way to match cash buyer and motivated seller lists. Download and upload custom formatted Excel lists that protect your cash buyers and motivated seller with buyer and seller codes. 

There is one custom formatted list for cash buyers and one custom formatted list for motivated sellers. There are 8 custom formatted fields per cash buyer list and motivated seller list. You can upload 1,000 cash buyers or motivated sellers per upload. I understand that it will take time to format your cash buyer list or motivated seller list. The upload is quick. You will have more matches and earn more cash flow.

Upload your cash buyers list

Upload your motivated sellers list

Uploading protected cash buyer and motivated seller lists will create extreme value for the flock. It is up to you close the deal and earn commission after the algorithm matches you for $1 per match. The flock has a new CRM (customer relationship management) tool for you to take dated notes of the cash buyer or motivated seller that you are trying to make money from after contacting them. The CRM helps you earn cash flow.

Michael Sadler

Cash Buyers and Motivated Sellers Go Together

It is like the flock is cash.

If you are a motivated seller you could get matched with a list of cash buyers.

If you are a cash buyer you could get matched with a list of motivated sellers.

If you are a broker, bring your cash buyers and motivated sellers to the flock. You can broker deals or virtual wholesale real estate.

The flock are competing. There is a payment page for $1 per match to help deal with tire kickers. Some people have been matched with the same cash buyers and motivated sellers. Some people have been graded off of the site.

The cash is real. The real estate is real.

Vetted buyers and sellers pay $1 per match. Some people might be afraid of communism and fraud. This is the best way to start a REIT with little money and earn fistfuls of cash, a Lamborghini, and mansion.

You can get matched with vetted cash buyers or motivated sellers.

You can close multiple deals possibly from one match.

Michael Sadler

Fistfuls of Cash: 20 Creative Real Estate Investing Strategies

Fistfuls of Cash: 20 Creative Real Estate Investing Strategies

Make money closing real estate deals by using these 20 creative real estate strategies.

1. No Money Down

What is no money down real estate investing?

No money real estate is a creative real estate strategy where the buyer borrows 100% of the purchase price. When the buyer doesn’t make a downpayment they do not have to use any of the cash from their savings to purchase property. If the property that you purchase cash flows then you do not have to worry about money because you just acquired an asset that pays you without putting any of your own money into the asset. 

Your payments will be larger so make sure it cash flows. 

Your mortgage payments might be larger because when you borrow more money so when you analyze your deal make sure it cash flows. Do a simple cash flow analysis where you enter in at the top how much rent you will collect from the property followed by all of the expenses you will need to pay to maintain the property (like insurance, taxes, and heating). Subtract your expenses from your rent and you get the cash flow. 

What are the risks to no money down real estate?

Borrowing funds is riskier than putting your own money down on a property because the value of the property can decline — like a real estate bubble bursting — and you can be left with a loan that is bigger than the value of your property. 

I can tell you that mortgages with higher loan-to-value (LTV) are more susceptible to default; If the size of the mortgage is large compared to the value of the property, there is a greater risk of default than if the LTV is lower. If the the vacancy rate goes up so that the property can not cover the mortgage payments you might default.

Many real estate gurus recommend that it is OK to own a property with no money down as long as it cash flows because the income from the property can cover your expenses until the value of the property comes back up — in the case of a real estate market crash.

If it doesn’t cash flow it might not be the best sustaining deal. It could blow up in your face because unexpected repair costs and loss of tenants!

Check your government backed or insured lending programs in your area to see what is legal.

Sandwich Lease Option

Sandwich lease option builds the number of doors that you have that cash flow with no money down. Sandwhich lease option is giving a tenant the option to buy a motivated seller’s property. 

If you want to acquire two properties at the same time you can buy a new property and have the motivated seller as the tenant.

What are the risks to the sandwhich lease option strategy?

You need marketing costs to find a motivated seller and a tenant buyer. It is difficult to repair homeowners’ budgets.

More reading on no money down real estate investing strategies:

2. Owner Financing: 

Owner financing is a group of creative real estate strategies where you convince the seller to finance the mortgage.

The four types of owner financing are:

  • Assumable Mortgage
  • Subject-To Financing
  • Vendor Take Back (VTB)
  • Wrap Around Mortgage
  • Agreement For Sale

Assumable Mortgage

What is an assumable mortgage?

An assumable mortgage is a mortgage with a clause that says that you can takeover the mortgage and get a better interest rate than markets currently have.

Ask your seller if they have an assumable mortgage to find out whether you can get a great deal.

Subect-To Financing

What is subject-to financing?

Subject-to financing is creating a new agreement with the seller that has identical terms as their existing mortgage. You take over deed (in the US) or title (in Canada) and the motivated seller’s mortgage stays on title. Your benefits include a faster sale because you do not have to qualify for a new mortgage with a bank and you are purchasing property at a discount because the seller is in foreclosure. 

Your motivated seller could stay in the home as a tenant in a rent-to-own agreement with you while they rebuild their credit and buy the property back from you in a few years or — if that doesn’t work — you could get tenants that pay the motivated seller’s mortgage if the seller is not financially capable of staying in the house.

What is the due-on-sale clause?

According to creonline.com:

The “due on sale” clause states that the lender has the right to call the entire note due if any of the terms of the initial agreement are not met, such as payments being paid or transfer of the deed without paying off the original loan.

You might need to negotiate with the seller’s bank.

What are the risks of subject-to financing?

Subject-to financing could be seen as predatory because you are targeting foreclosures. Lawyers might stop this type of deal from going through even though it could be legal.

Vendor Financing (VTB)

What is a vendor take back mortgage?

  • A vendor take back mortgage is when you buy a property with less of your own money by convincing the seller to mortgage as much of the property to you. 

According to whichmortgage.ca: “with cooler housing conditions, lower prices than some sellers want to accept, and terribly low rates on GIC’s…” they’re …“finding more sellers willing to entertain the option of financing some of the property to increase their return, speed up the sale and get a good price for their property.”

What are the risks to VTB?

You could pay a higher interest rate because the seller could ask for a return higher than what you would get at a bank. Higher interest rates will reduce your cash flow and make owning your investment property more stressful.

Wrap Around Mortgage

A wrap around mortgage is also known as “wrap”. 

What is a “Wrap”?

A wrap is when a buyer convinces the seller to finance the sale of the property using a second mortgage. You, as a buyer, will pay the wrap around mortgage and the seller will use those payments to pay their mortgage.

Here is an example of using a wrap from creonline.com:

$120,000 purchase price
$5,000 cash down payment
$115,000 to be held by seller as a wraparound mortgage
You explain to the seller that you will make them monthly installment payments on a $115,000 promissory note secured by a purchase money wraparound mortgage that will encircle their existing $100,000 bank first lien mortgage.

What are the risks of a wrap around mortgage? 

The size of the second mortgage could be too large; Different jurisdictions have different laws on the size of the mortgages that can be taken out on a property. 

You should speak to a lawyer about drafting the right type of mortgage.

Agreement For Sale

Agreement for sale is adding documents to a purchase contract so that you can get control of a property with as little of your own money as possible.

The essential first part of an AFS is that even though the buyer takes full possession of the property and is responsible for taxes, insurance, and maintenance of the property, the title remains in the seller’s name. Sellers love that title remains in their name when they are providing the financing.

Agreement for sale requires partnering with a lawyer.

3. Contingency Clauses in Contracts

Contingency clauses are clauses that you can put in your real estate contracts when purchasing property to help you escape from the deal when it falls through. Contingency clauses are also known as escape clauses.

Why would you use contingency clauses?

Contingency clauses reduce your risk when making money in real estate.

Examples of contingency clauses in your contracts:

Subject-To Inspection

Subject-to inspection clauses allow you to inspect a property before the deal closes. 

If you do not have the subject-to inspection clause in your contracts you might have to do unexpected and expensive repairs. You do not want to be stuck in a deal where you can not afford to make repairs. By getting a home inspection before closing the deal you can avoid losses.

It is good to get an inspection because you do not want to be liable to your tenants for hidden beams that could break threatening their lives. It surprises me that some real estate professionals do their own home inspections.

You should use the subject-to inspection clause in your contracts so that you can save money by getting inspections done before closing a deal.

When you buy a property sight-unseen it might not be possible to have a subject-to inspection clause.

Subject-To Fixtures, Appliances, and Furniture

You need to be specific about what fixtures, furniture, and appliances you want to keep when you close a deal.

You do not want to buy fixtures, furniture, and appliances. It is better if the property already comes with fixtures, furniture, and appliances.

Fixtures are fixed to the property. They are difficult to replace. It is good to get an inspection to make sure that important fixtures are attached to the property before you close your deal.

The more furniture, fixtures, and appliances on the property the happier your tenants will be and you will make more money. Furniture, fixtures, and appliances are assets that need to be accounted for so that you increase your cash flow.

Subject-To Appraisal

There are pictures in the appraisal so you can see if the property is in good condition. The appraisal shows comparable properties.

Buyers and sellers should know how much the property is worth.

Motivated sellers will sometimes keep the price high and negotiate other favorable terms like positive cash flow.

Subject-To Financing

Not everyone has a cash buyer

It is good to get your financing approved. Documents need to be submitted to the banks. Financing can take 30 days. Some mortgage brokers know alternative lending sources.

The subject-to financing clause will allow you to get cash so that you can make money on real estate.

4. Joint Venture

Joint venturing is partnering with a buyer and finding them property. You can negotiate 50% of the cash flow from the property with the buyer for finding the deal. You can also get a percentage of the transaction. I have seen lots of fee agreements with lists of real estate professionals’ commissions. 

You can also setup a corporation and sell shares. The main activity of the corporation is to buy real estate.

The key to making money joint venturing is to have direct access to a buyer and a seller.

There are real estate professionals that bulldoze through Daisy Chains to get access to cash buyers and motivated sellers. Having a property under contract and circulating property information attracts buyers. Attracting buyers helps you make money by closing your current deals and by building your buyers list for future deals. 

If you do not have your buyers and sellers under contract then your deal might fall through because of circumvention. Circumvention is a problem where buyers and sellers try to cut you out of the deal because you do not have a contract and because they are not reputable.

Direct mail creates direct access to motivated sellers. Sellers might expect an earnest money deposit when you sign the purchase contract. Buyers look for discount deals or deals that cash flow.

You can get access to buyers and sellers online, at local private clubs, at your local real estate investor’s association, by posting a ads in the newspaper.

5. Hard Money

Hard money is a loan with a high interest rate.

Hard money is leverage that increases your net worth. Hard money allows you to own more property.

Hard money can be used in the short term. You can use hard money to make repairs to your property or to finance the purchase of a great deal. Refinance at a lower rate when you can because hard money is expensive.

If you can not afford a hard money loan you might have to sell your property. Run a cash flow analysis to figure out what you can afford.

Mortgage brokers and private lenders can do hard money loans.

You need paperwork to qualify.

6. Buy and Hold Rental Property With Cash Flow

Cash flow is king.

Many real estate professionals accumulate cash flowing properties.

Sometimes market conditions make it difficult for property to cash flow. Property can break-even. Analyse the cash flow before buying.

Renovations are a great way to boost cash flow.

If cash flow is break-even you can still get capital gains.

7. Rehabbing and Hold

Rehabbing property is increasing the value of the property by making repairs. You can get capital gains by holding the property.

Figure out how much money you can make rehabbing and holding a property by using this calculator.

8. Flipping

Flipping is profiting by renovating and selling property at a higher price than what you paid for it.

Cost of repairs tend to be higher than what is budgeted. 

Buy property at a discount. Make valuable improvements to property.

9. Wholesaling

Wholesaling is flipping a contract between a buyer and seller.

You need marketing expertise to be a wholesaler. The cost of acquiring a contract from a seller can be too high if you do not have a buyer to sell that contract to quickly.

Assignment allows buyers to assume your contract. Buyers want to assume contracts where they profit. You need to source real estate at a discount so that you can sell purchase contracts at a profit to buyers. You get an assignment fee at closing with a lawyer. Add “and/or assignee” in your contract.

Direct mail is used by coaches to find motivated sellers.

According to Investopedia:

A typical wholesaling scenario looks like this: The wholesaler has a house under contract for $90,000 that he estimates needs $20,000 in repairs but will sell for $150,000 once the repairs are made. Using his network of investors, he finds an eager buyer at $100,000. He assigns the contract to his investor, who then has a profitable fixer-upper project, and the wholesaler made a $10,000 profit without ever owning the home.

A lot of wholesalers believe that they can wholesale without no money. There is no carrying cost. There is an earnest money deposit with the seller. There is a marketing cost.

Some real estate professionals say that wholesaling is illegal. Consult a lawyer.

Here is further reading on how to wholesale a deal step by step.

10. Rent-to-Own (Lease Option)

Rent-to-own is helping a homeowner stay in their home by buying the homeowner’s property and allowing them to rent the property with the option to buy the property back at a later date.

Rent-to-own’s are extremely profitable. You get capital gains because you negotiate an appreciated buy back price in the future and you get cash flow above market rents because of the downpayment to buy the property back.

What are the risks of rent-to-own?

It is difficult to repair homeowners’ budgets. The appreciated purchase price that you use in your contract can be seen as predatory by lawyers.

11. Perfect Tenant

Perfect tenant is a strategy where you find a perfect tenant for a joint venture partner.

Joint venture partners will be pleased to have a qualified tenant when buying a real estate investment.

You can find motivated sellers via direct mail. You can find tenants online and in the newspaper. Cash buyers can be found online. 

It is good to keep your marketing on all of the time to create cash flow from joint venture deals.

12. Bank Foreclosures/REO

You can purchase lists of foreclosures online.

You can build relationships with Asset Managers on LinkedIn. Mention that you can help with REO. 

13. HUD Foreclosures

You can get cash flow from foreclosures.

What is HUD?

HUD is the Department of Housing and Urban Development (US Government).

HUD sells foreclosures.

Registered real estate brokers and other organizations can bid on HUD listings.

Investors can purchase HUD listings after they have been offered to owner occupants.

You can buy a HUD foreclosure with cash or a FHA loan.

“HUD strongly urges every potential homebuyer to get an inspection from a licensed professional home inspector prior to submitting an offer to purchase.”

14. Short Sales

What is a short sale?

A short sale happens when the lenders agree to sell property for less than the amount that they are owed.

Buying short sales helps motivated sellers avoid foreclosure and legal fees.

You can make cash flow from short sales. You need to do a cash flow analysis before buying short sales.

What are the risks of buying short sales?

You need property inspections and insurance information. Short sales can take time because lenders don’t want to sell.

15. Probate Properties

A probate property is a property for sale after a death.

The benefit of buying probate properties is that they can sell for below market value.

You can find probate properties through courts in some jurisdictions. Governments change how they distribute information; It is good to diversify your source of information so that you do not go out of business.

16. Tax Liens/Deeds

A tax lien is created by the government when taxes on a property aren’t paid. Tax liens can be sold to investors.

The difference between tax liens and tax deeds is that when you buy a tax deed you own the property free and clear.

What are the risks to tax liens?

Property owners might not be able to pay back the taxes.

What are the advantages to tax liens?

You could acquire property.

17. Land

Investing in land is risky. Investopedia recommends some ETFs (exchange traded funds) that you can invest in.

If you are a REIT, the Flock has land that you can access.

18. Investing in a REIT

A REIT, or Real Estate Investment Trust, is a company that owns or finances income-producing real estate.

From an investment standpoint, many options, such as the Vanguard REIT ETF (VNQ), provide diversified exposure to industrial, office, retail, health care, public storage and residential property developments. For most small investors, REIT ETFs are an ideal choice because they do not require direct management, they are broadly diversified by property type, they are geographically diversified, they can be purchased or sold on a real-time basis and they are very inexpensive.

19. Lend on Second Mortgages

Lending on second mortgages returns a higher interest rate if the deal is good.

You can acquire property that you lend on if the borrower defaults.

20. Match

Matchmaking is the ideal way to make money in real estate.

Michael Sadler

Are You A Tire Kicker And Don't Even Know It?

Real estate professionals are afraid of dealing with Tire Kickers because they are a waste of time and present fake deals. If you believe what Tire Kickers say and then distribute their information, you could be a Tire Kicker.

Tire Kickers create Daisy Chains because they believe that they have a deal when they do not. Daisy Chains are large links of real estate middlemen separate the buyer from the seller. Real professionals verify the identity of cash buyers and motivated sellers before bringing them to the table. 

Tire Kicker!

If you find yourself in a negotiation and can not proceed because you are afraid of being circumvented then chances are you are a Tire Kicker and have not spent the time putting the buyer or seller that you are bringing to the table under contract. 

  • I have received signed contracts from wholesalers verifying that they own the contract. 
  • Some cash buyers say that they have no problem providing bank documents. 
  • Real estate brokers have no problems collecting documents from cash buyers. 

If you deal with someone who says that the information is too sensitive to provide and who wants urgent access to your buyer or seller then they are probably fake and trying to cut you out of a real deal.

Tire Kickers try to build relationships with your buyers and sellers in order to circumvent you, which ends up with you not getting paid.

How can you spot a Tire Kicker?

Tire Kickers try not to pay earnest money deposits (EMDs), while real coaches budget to put deposits on wholesale contracts that they purchase risking a few thousand dollars at a time to do so. Real professionals also put your money in escrow. If buyers don’t put your money in escrow then you know that they are not real. There is no need to chase a deal for them.

Tire Kickers put a lot of pressure on you to get information quickly while offering nothing for it. Don’t give up information without knowing that you are going to get paid. Some of the most valuable information that you should not give up is buyer and seller contact information. This can accidentally be exchanged via contracts. Avoid giving up this information before having a contract with your buyer and seller. It is okay to share information when you have a contract with a buyer and seller and know that they are real.

Some people will say that Tire Kickers don’t have their own web domain as their email address and don’t have well designed websites. I do not know what to make of this one because it is relatively easy to make a website. An email from a website with a high domain authority from Moz.com is very believable and probably not a Tire Kicker. However, I have seen the “From” e-mail address faked before.

I think that the best way to spot a high quality real estate professional is by knowing them for a long time and by peer review.

You might have trouble finding someone that will trust you to go out and get them a deal. They might say that they have been in real estate for 20 years and have a few connections already. Some people believe that the big hedge funds won’t provide bank statements. This article on Forbes about how the wrong client will suck you dry when you think that they are valuable is true. The thing about circumvention is that you never know it’s happening to you. Don’t trust these people at first. 

You do not need to work for them until you know that they are real. 

You are the real estate professional that verifies the identity of your cash buyers and motivated sellers. I’ve been told that your reputation is everything in real estate. 

What have you done to verify that your cash buyer list and motivated property sellers are real?

Michael Sadler is the Founder of Access The Flock Online Real Estate Marketplace where he helps Real Estate Professionals make money accessing cash buyers and motivated sellers. Follow on Facebook, Twitter, Google+, YouTUBE, LinkedIn Group, LinkedIn Personal.


Michael Sadler

How to Go From Starting Out to CEO of a Real Estate Investment Trust

With the right goals you can go from where you are now, even if you are just starting out in real estate investing, to being CEO of your own real estate investment trust (REIT). 

What is a Real Estate Investment Trust (REIT)?


A real estate investment trust is a corporation that raises funds from its shareholders to invest in real estate. A REIT is a bigger form of real estate investing compared to investing on your own because investors pool money into your REIT expecting a higher rate of return from the REIT. Investors expect a higher return from the REIT because the REIT can find the best deals in any geographic location which allows the REIT to return a higher return on investors’ money compared to other assets like stocks, bonds, and commodities. 

How does your corporation qualify to be a REIT?

Real Estate Investors

I will highlight below some of the biggest features of how to qualify as a REIT that are found on REIT.com where this linked site covers how to form a real estate investment trust.

  • In the U.S. you need to have at least 100 investors. 
  • 5 investors added up together cannot hold more than 50 percent of the shares. 
  • No investor can own more than 9.8% of the shares in your REIT.
  • Most (75%) of your REITs income must come from real estate cash flow and cash held in a bank (20%). 
  • No more than 5% can come from non real estate sources.
  • Your REIT must distribute 90% of it’s earnings each year to shareholders.

When you follow the above rules, your corporation can qualify as a REIT.

Real Estate Portfolio

What is the difference between a REIT and Turnkey properties?

There are no differences between managing a REIT and providing turnkey real estate investment services. Turnkey is a term that can be used by the REIT to market to investors and raise funds. The word turnkey alludes to having someone else manage property for investors so that investors do not worry about managing property or making repairs to property. REITs can use the term turnkey when they are marketing to investors to raise funds that are used to invest in real estate.

You still need to source real estate deals, close transactions, and manage the property if you are a REIT.

Source Real Estate Deals

REITs can be publicly traded and raise billions of dollars to invest from the public and hedge funds.

How to make sure your REIT is successful

Many of the principles that you are taught at real estate investor associations (REIAs) and real estate investing courses prepare you for owning your own REIT.

To be successful as a REIT you need to become as big of investor as possible. You need to build a team, a network, raise cash, hustle, be professional, be willing to travel. These are all things that you already learn how to do at your REIA. Your goals are bigger because you will be doing it with more doors to make more cash flow.

Many of the team members that will help you form your REIT and take it public after you grow it’s revenue, shareholders, and real estate assets are found at the bottom of this linked page about lawyers, accounts, and investment bankers that are expert in REITs.

Market yourself online

Market Yourself Online

Starting a REIT can be just like becoming a real estate investor in that you start local. There are benefits to starting local:

  • Becoming expert in the area (for example knowing the profitability of different neighborhoods)
  • Getting direct access to sellers through direct mail
  • Building a local brand through repeat exposure to your market

Marketing online allows you to increase your reach to other markets when you are ready. 

Marketing your REIT online allows you to build your network the fastest way possible because you can reach investors and team members in different markets when you are ready to expand. 

Social media helps build connections. There are lots of professionals on LinkedIn that invest in real estate and that can help you source real estate deals.

You can do crowdfunding through your website. Crowdfunding is raising small amount of funds from a lot of people. For this strategy to work you need your website to get lots of traffic by ranking in Google for a lot of keywords. You can follow SEO to rank in Google, get investors for your REIT, and drive real estate leads to your website.

Investment Opportunities

You can build your legal team in every jurisdiction that you run your REIT. Each jurisdiction has different laws. Focus on building your legal team in different markets when you are ready to expand.

How to take your REIT public

Going public means that the shares of your REIT will trade publicly like a stock on the stock market. Traditionally, you could raise the most amount of money to invest in real estate by going public. With your crowdfunding website, you could potentially raise the most amount of money through your own online platform.

The best advice on going public comes from investment bankers. Find investment bankers that specialize in REITs here.

With goal setting, the right marketing, innovative technology, and expert team you can go from where you are to being CEO of your own REIT.

What have you done to start a REIT?

Follow on Facebook, Twitter, Google+, YouTUBE, LinkedIn Group, LinkedIn Personal.

Michael Sadler

The Dangers of Falling for Private Lending if You Can't Pay It Back

You could lose your house. It could be 2008 all over again.

Many private money borrowers don’t plan to repay their loans. 

You should plan to repay your loans if you are using hard money, high-interest loans, or short-term money or else you could lose your investments.

A tip for planning to repay your hard money loans is to keep track of the loan amount in a spreadsheet and the interest charge that is being added to your cash flow. Just do the math and calculate the interest portion of your loan and that is how much extra expenses you are taking on. Mortgages charged by private lenders are calculated differently than amortized mortgages and are called interest only loans because they do not repay the principal. You should have a way to service that expense or you should not take it on. That means that you should have a way to pay it back.

The interest expense might mean not eating at McDonalds as much.

Reasons you might need private lending

You might need private lending to afford the repairs your house needs. I got this idea from TorontoLife.com.

Private Money Lender

I have also seen people need private lending because they fell into a difficult financial circumstance that has recently gotten better so they could afford to service the debt they are taking on. But, the reality is that a quarter to half of those people fell back into financial problems because their job, health, and/or marriage problems turned out to not be completely over.

I am concerned that the same people that are taking on real estate investing as a new career are the same people that have job, health, and marriage problems — problems that make them require a private lender. If you are a real estate investor you could deal with cash buyers only to get an interest in property without carrying a mortgage; Cash buyers could fund the deals that you find for them and you could negotiate a 50% interest in the cash flow from the property.

Private lending for real estate investing should be used intelligently as a strategic tool for leverage. When done properly leverage can increase your net worth. Big corporations carry debt, or leverage, because it increases their firms values. The way that you can tell if leverage is right for you is to compare the interest rate that you are paying on the private loan with the ROI of your investment or assets. Your ROI should be larger than the interest rate on your loans or you are doing it in an unintelligently manner.

If you are taking out credit card debt or high interest loans to start a new career in real estate estate investing when you have a difficult circumstance already, then you are probably taking on too much risk. This means that you could lose your house.

What have you done to pay back your hard money loans?

Follow on Facebook, Twitter, Google+, YouTUBE, LinkedIn Group, LinkedIn Personal.

Michael Sadler

The Real Reason You'll Get Rich in Real Estate

You will get rich buying real estate using OPM — or Other People’s Money — because you do not have to save as much money yourself and can get your money to grow faster.

You have to be respectful of where money comes from. Money generally comes from someone who has earned it, gained valuable experience earning it, and from someone who can guide your decisions on how to structure deals with sellers.

You might feel like you are swindling money from someone to buy an investment because the pitch generally is that the investor can get a better return with you than they can get elsewhere. You are not swindling. It is a real business.

You are generally a bird dogger and need your own deal finding systems for the relationship to work. Profitable deal finding systems are hard to create and that is why you earn your money. Romana King says to find deals that cash flow so that you can hold them in both an up and down market.

The difference between real estate and financial securities or paper assets is that you need a license to raise money to buy paper assets. With real estate in most jurisdictions you can organize a joint venture between you and the investor and is typically legal without a license. It is a paper contract. Consult your lawyer. 

You can get started in real estate with no money using OPM. 

OPM Other People's Money

Using OPM allows you to buy property sooner because you do not have to save up

When you use other people’s money you can create a larger pie in a shorter amount of time. The real difference between using OPM and not that when you use OPM you remove your downpayment and exchange it with partners’ money. This allows you to buy more properties and focus on finding deals that cash flow for your partner.

You get an interest in more property sooner with OPM

Since you get control or own more property sooner because of using OPM you benefit from compounding. Since the amount of assets that you own or control is larger with OPM, your return is bigger than if you did not use OPM. This return compounds. Buying property sooner with other people’s money allows compounding to take effect more rapidly.

Develop a system to raise other people’s money for real estate investing

You can ask friends and family if they would like to invest with you in a piece of property that you find. They put up the money and get a return. You get a share of the property — usually 50%. 

You can also use the internet to setup lead generation systems for you to close. You can focus on local SEO (search engine optimization) and setup landing pages to capture a list of cash buyers and motivated seller leads.

Some possible sources of funding

  • The local real estate investor’s association
  • Family
  • Local private clubs

Have you had success using other people’s money in real estate investing?

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Michael Sadler