What’s the point of building a buyers list if you don’t have a sellers list?
I think if you are going to make money getting in the middle of buyers and sellers it’s good to have a list of both.
You can get a sellers list marketing in your area with direct mail, bandit signs - if they are legal - billboards, blogs on your website and landing pages.
But, let’s focus on the cash buyers list - in a specific location.

You can use public records or software that shows buyers that have already bought in the area - but that doesn’t show buyers that have cash NOW! Though, you can look for owners that are corporations because they may buy again and do it professionally - like a REIT.
The easiest way to get a list of current cash buyers is to build a landing page on your website and pay for Facebook ads that target that location - make sure that the keywords that you are paying for on your landing page match the keywords that are in your ads such as: “Buy Houses in …”. Some real estate professionals have spent $50,000 in Facebook Ads building their cash buyers list in a location!
I’ve also heard that looking for “We buy houses” ads in Craigslist is a great way to find buyers - but I don’t know.
It’s important to note that searchers use “asset type location” and “location asset type” when searching for your property that you are selling - if you are going to rank in Google.
There is an idea that if you focus on an area you can do better because there is a higher likelihood of a transaction happening.
Let’s see what other people have to say:
There is a debate about whether to have a buyers list of 400 cash buyers before having a seller.
My first deal I had zero buyers and a list of foreclosures. I contacted one seller from the foreclosure list and they wanted to stay in their home - and we needed to find a buyer that would do a rent-to-own as a solution for the seller to stay in their home. So we had a seller.
The deals attract the buyers.
Many of you know this and that’s why you share your deals for sale on social media sites like in Facebook Groups - because they attract buyers. Secret folks: sometimes those deals aren’t even real - they’re just intentioned to get access to your buyers. So you’ve got to be careful with that one.
But yes, having a property under contract - that is a good deal - does attract cash buyers and might even attract more than one cash buyer whom you can build long term relationships with - ideally!
This is my real estate marketplace’s cash buyers list.
I got most of those buyers because I had deals that they were interested in on my website.
You are free to access these cash buyers by bringing a seller to the real estate marketplace.
What have you done to grow your list of cash buyers?
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