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The Urly Bird

Dogging The Urly Bird

Make Money Accessing Cash Buyers And Motivated Sellers

Build Your Vetted Cash Buyer And Motivated Seller List

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Displaying 3441-3450 of 3511 results.

Why The Real Estate Marketplace Is Free

I would like you to close thousands of deals.

This would mean the marketplace is vibrant - full of birds.

To close a deal you need access to - and hang out with - lots of Urly Birds.

I like company.

The more deals you close the more Urly Birds hear about Access The Flock Real Estate Marketplace and flock together. I get richer.

I like company and making money. But I already made my money. I might charge some money in the future when the birds are flocking together, moving some houses and closing some deals in the thousands.

Close some deals and join the flock. Shake your tail and do the Mating Dance. Limber up. You’re going to make money if you keep flocking on Access The Flock!

Why The Marketplace Is Free

The Urly Bird

This Is How I Closed My Real Estate Deals

I set out to host the marketplace in the skies. At first it was empty. 

To fill the marketplace I had to meet lots of Urly Birds. By using social media I got my flock. I met all kinds of birds and Urly Birds.

I didn’t know what was going on. I did lots of squawking with important and influential Urly Birds to learn how much of a headache it can be for them to try and close a deal. I became The Urly Bird by hosting a better marketplace and closed big deals.

Now to close a deal I can get direct access to all of the Urly Birds.

We can negotiate deals. Move houses. It’s so much easier now than it was in my day to close deals. The marketplace with all of the birds.

The biggest headache in my day was artificial birds. Time wasters.

I simplified the way to no longer deal with artificial birds so you don’t have to worry about it. The Urly Bird grade tells you how much of an Urly Bird the bird is that you are dealing with. No longer wasting your time.

Now time wasters don’t even flock together. You can’t access artificial birds. This makes it easier for you to close deals.

Access The Flock is the real estate marketplace where Urly Birds of a feather flock together to close deals.

Make some money.

This Is How I Closed My Deals

The Urly Bird

Why I Strive To Have More Urly Birds In The Real Estate Marketplace

It’s good when Urly Birds flock together!

Birds of a feather flock together to close deals on Access The Flock Real Estate Marketplace. 

Without Urly Birds there would be no birds to do deals with. It’s as simple as that. It would get lonely all by myself. 

Urly Birds like to hangout with other Urly Birds. They talk about how to move houses and do deals with cash. Thanks to the marketplace, they make money. With more Urly Birds around the more money that can be made by every bird in the marketplace. It gets easier closing deals with more Urly Birds in the marketplace.

It is easier for birds to become Urly Birds when there are more Urly Birds at the table because we can help other birds out.

I like to allow Urly Birds to go direct to my buyers and sellers. I want to grow the marketplace and have more Urly Birds hanging around together and then I’ll make even more money. I am trying to lure you in with other birds because I know it is good for you.

All you have to do to try to become an Urly Bird is the Mating Dance. Shake your tail! The Mating Dance attracts buyers and sellers and helps you close a deal. The more you shake your tail the more Urly Birds you attract in the marketplace. It will get easier closing deals the more you do it.

Access The Flock is the real estate marketplace where Urly Birds of a feather flock together to close deals. Shake your tail!

If you want to close deals then do the Mating Dance and attract other Urly Birds to the marketplace to close deals with for free.

Join the flock of Urly Birds. Squawk!

Why I Strive To Have More Urly Birds In The Marketplace

The Urly Bird

Mating Dance - Mobile Home Lumberton, NC Seller

Mating Dance

This Urly Bird seller is doing the Mating Dance. They are trying to attract a Lumberton, NC, mobile home buyer.

Access this seller!

Access The Flock is the 100% FREE real estate marketplace where Urly Birds of a feather flock together to close deals. Access The Flock!

Michael Sadler

Michael Sadler

How To Become A Real Estate Investor With No Money & No Education

How To Become A Real Estate Investor

Some people will tell you that it’s all about cashflow to become a successful real estate investor. To generate cash flow, it takes market access to buyers and sellers to do deals - which traditionally came at a pretty penny. But now, you can get that cash flow through deals on Access The Flock Real Estate Marketplace for FREE! All you have to do is save your own buyers and sellers for FREE that you meet at local real estate investor association meet ups - which is low cost or free. You can enter those buyers and sellers into Access The Flock with your cell phone at the meetup.

Contrary to popular thinking, you don’t need a lot of education to become a real estate investor; You just need to be a risk taker. Having the ability to talk on phone helps. You don’t even need to be professional. Being professional is what makes you an Urly Bird and separates you from others. You just need market access to buyers and sellers.

You just need free market access to buyers and sellers to become a real estate investor with no money and no education.

Read this is you are wondering how you can make money on Access The Flock Real Estate Marketplace.

Read this if you are wondering how to make money virtual wholesaling using Access The Flock Real Estate Marketplace.

I think that virtual wholesaling is the easiest entry to becoming a real estate investor with no money and no education because your biggest expenses are a phone number, a web landing page, and a blog. It will take time and you can meet buyers and sellers with a lot of writing and by going to your local real estate investors association. It’s free to enter buyers and sellers that you meet online and in person into Access The Flock Real Estate Marketplace to get matched with deals you can close. You don’t have to worry about circumvention because of buyer and seller codes. You have to do half of the marketing yourself and this is how you can do it!

Good luck!

Access The Flock is the real estate marketplace where Urly Birds of a feather flock together to close deals.

Michael Sadler

How You Can Make Money On Access The Flock Real Estate Marketplace

How can you make money on Access The Flock Real Estate Marketplace?

There are tonnes of different strategies that you can follow to make money on Access The Flock Real Estate Marketplace. You don’t have to pick just one to be successful; It’s a matter of changing your habits by always save your buyers and sellers because they all rely on having market access to close the deal!

How You Can Make Money On The Flock

These are all Urly Birds


Wholesaling is about putting real estate under contract below market value and assigning it or flipping the contract to an end buyer at a higher price while taking an assignment fee. Wholesaling depends on having access to buyers and sellers that match or Dovetails so that you can close the deal quickly. By using Access The Flock to store all of your buyers and sellers you can achieve this.


Consulting is legal in some jurisdictions and may not be in all - consult your lawyer. Consulting is basically brokering, being the middle man between buyers and sellers and negotiating contracts to bring the two parties together and taking a consulting fee. It’s a Dovetail - or match - that consultants want because they can negotiate the best deal and take a consulting fee.


Flipping involves purchasing the actual real estate, owning it, improving it with renovations and construction and then selling it at a higher price. If  you want to keep most of the profit for yourself, having a marketplace full of buyers and sellers for free will help optimize your flipping because you can do your own buying and selling - or negotiation - due to that market access. Access The Flock Real Estate Marketplace speeds things up.


Brokering is what real estate agents and brokers do. Consulting and brokering are similar for the most part. You generally need a license to be considered a broker - consult your lawyer. Access The Flock Real Estate Marketplace has an optional form field when saving buyers and sellers for how much commission you as a broker will earn in percentage of the purchase price. It’s generally 3% and can go as high as around 7% depending on the deal. This fields ensures that you as a broker get paid your commission for doing the deal. Access The Flock Real Estate Marketplace helps you do a deal by bringing your buyers and sellers together and with other Urly Birds in the marketplace.


You can access sellers on Access The Flock Real Estate Marketplace by saving yourself as a buyer. You can buy and hold property and charge money renting out the property for profit called cash flow.


If you don’t have money and want to make money in real estate you can find a buyer with cash and save them in Access The Flock Real Estate Marketplace so that you can get matched to deals for sale. You can then negotiate with the buyer to get paid from the cash flow from the property. Then you can negotiate with the seller or allow the buyer and seller to negotiate after you have escrow and contracts put in place so that a deal closes that you find.

Joint Venturing

Joint venturing can be like bird dogging except instead of cash flow from the property you can negotiate actual ownership in the property or in a corporation that owns the property for finding the deal on Access The Flock Real Estate Marketplace - like 50%.

Good luck closing a deal!

Access The Flock is the real estate marketplace where Urly Birds of a feather flock together to close deals.

Michael Sadler

Dovetail: Buyer-Seller Match

How To Make Money In Real Estate Online Today

The buyer and seller can close a deal together on a Chicago Illinois apartment building.

Access this buyer here 

Access this seller here

If you want a Dovetail for yourself then do the Mating Dance for free!

Access The Flock is the real estate marketplace where Urly Birds of a feather flock together to close deals.

Michael Sadler

How To Make Money Virtual Wholesaling Using The Flock Marketplace

What is Wholesaling Real Estate?

Wholesaling real estate is a market arbitrage game. It’s about getting in and finding the deals at a deep discount and selling them at a higher price. You don’t need as much money as buying real estate because your biggest investments to start your business include marketing costs and earnest deposit money for putting seller’s property under contract to flip to the buyer, as opposed to a down payment for buying and holding (or renovating) a piece of real estate or note. They say wholesaling is a marketing game and that’s how Access The Flock Real Estate Marketplace helps you close deals; It takes half of the marketing out of the equation for you saving you time and money. By doing the Mating Dance - saving a buyer or seller in Access The Flock - you attract buyers and sellers that you need to do a deal; You just need to find the first buyer or seller to get started.

What is Virtual Wholesaling Real Estate?

Virtual wholesaling is the same thing as wholesaling except it’s done remotely over the internet and less locally. There are tonnes of deal making opportunities on the internet - mind you you have to trust the person on the other end of the computer. Access The Flock builds trust with the buyer and seller information that it collects along with the community rating called the Urly Bird Grade so you can close deals in confidence. That’s why I encourage you to store the information that you find online in Access The Flock - to get graded, filtered, and matched up with dealmakers and real Urly Birds.

Social media real estate groups are great for meeting sellers mostly and some buyers in different markets. You can put these seller’s properties under contract and deposit earnest money into escrow with a lawyer if you have a buyer lined up or if you think that you are getting a good enough of deal that you can invest marketing dollars to find a buyer or find a buyer on Access The Flock Real Estate Marketplace for free.

How Do I Make Money Virtual Wholesaling Real Estate?

It’s good to put the buyers and sellers that you meet online - with social media, pay per click, and landing pages - in a spreadsheet, database, or CRM and Access The Flock Real Estate Marketplace. As your business grows you’ll have more access to buyers and sellers that are matched up to do deals with and make money. Access The Flock matches Urly Birds buyers and sellers for free! You will also have an asset in your buyer and seller lists that you can sell at the end of your career.

Access The Flock is the real estate marketplace where Urly Birds of a feather flock together to close deals!

How To Make Money Virtual Wholesaling

Michael Sadler

How The Flock Connects Buyers And Sellers In The Property Marketplace

There’s an algorithm!

The more information - buyers and sellers - that you save on Access The Flock Real Estate Marketplace, the more data that there is for the algorithm to use to match your buyers and sellers to other Urly Birds’ buyers and sellers and to yourself so that you can get more access and close more deals.

The algorithm sits between the buyers and sellers that you save and calculates the matches - or Dovetails - at the time of the buyer and seller being saved on Access The Flock Real Estate Marketplace. This allows for real-time feed of Dovetails - or deals that you can close.

At first the algorithm was very complex and then it improved to be more precise to what you need now. It now matches mostly on connecting the buyers and sellers through building and asset types in the right locations, or more specifically the radius around the location that the buyer is looking for those assets. The relationship to the buyer and seller is also important; The closer you are to the buyer and seller the higher you and your deal rank in other Urly Birds’ Feed so that they can access you and you can close a deal. Reputation of real estate agents and investors is also important and that is factored in with the Urly Bird Grade. Since Birds of a Feather Feed is realtime your ratings of other Urly Birds affects their ranking in the feed and if they get rated low enough will stop them from appearing in the feed so you can no longer access them or do deals with them - which is what you want!

Only do deals with real Urly Birds!

Why are algorithms so important compared to search?

As you save more buyers and sellers in Access The Flock Real Estate Marketplace the algorithm is capable of learning and recommending to you deals that are of the highest quality and most likely to be closed by you to make money. With thousands of Dovetails you’ll have lots of good deals to close on Access The Flock Real Estate Marketplace - just keep saving your buyers and sellers for FREE!

Algorithms are efficient because they scale to millions of buyers and sellers making Access The Flock Real Estate Marketplace a platform that helps you close deals efficiently! As time goes on, your Dovetails will grow exponentially - a real money making opportunity!

Access The Flock is the real estate marketplace where Urly Birds of a feather flock together to close deals.

Connects Buyers And Sellers In The Marketplace

Michael Sadler

Mating Dance: $100K Cash Buyer Trying to Attract A Seller

Mating Dance

This Urly Bird cash buyer is doing the Mating Dance. They are trying to attract a Chicago, IL, apartment unit and building seller.

Access this buyer!

Access The Flock is the 100% FREE real estate marketplace where Urly Birds of a feather flock together to close deals. Access The Flock!

Michael Sadler